C&F - Banila Co Clean it Zero Toner Pad Pore Clarifying 60pcs

Banila Co Clean it Zero Toner Pad Pore Clarifying 60pcs

Rp 370.000 -50%
Rp 185.000
Toner Pad dua sisi yang mengeksfoliasi dan mempersiapkan kulit sebelum menggunakan skin care.
Exp: Oct 2024
Pore Clarifying Toner pads cocok untuk kulit yang sensitive dengan kandungan 85% Ekstrak Daun Pohon Teh dapat membantu menenangkan dan mengencangkan pori-pori.
Tri-Peel Acid & 85% Tea Tree Oil
How To Use
Setelah membersihkan wajah,ambil 1 pad toner lalu usapkan bagian pad yang lebih kasar ke seluruh wajah. Setelah itu usapkan bagian pad yang lebih halus kemudian tepuk - tepuk wajah secara lembut agar lebih meresap.
Banila Co was founded in 2006 to help makeup lovers live all their beauty dreams to the fullest. They believe that gorgeous skin is the first step to a flawlessly fierce face, and that people shouldn't have to sacrifice their complexion for their makeup obsession. So as leaders in K-beauty, they're constantly setting beauty trends through advanced formulas that are simple to use, and makeup designed to work synergistically with everyone's whole skincare routine.

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