C&F - BeautyBlender Bio Pure

BeautyBlender Bio Pure

Rp 418.000 -15%
Rp 355.300
Bio Pure is composed with a breakthrough renewable plant base & an even more sustainable production process. The same bounce & ultra-plush softness as the original, it’s designed to be used wet for less product waste. The new canister is constructed with recycled resins.
How To Use
Simply wet.squeeze.bounce! Wet the beautyblender with water, squeeze out the excess liquid, using a towel if available. Then bounce the beautyblender with a foundation of your choice onto the surface of the skin for flawless overage.
beautyblender® is the world’s first elliptically shaped, non-disposable, hi-definition cosmetic sponge applicator. beautyblender®‘s unique shape and exclusive material ensures edgeless, streak- free makeup application with minimum product waste, making it makeup’s best friend.
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