C&F - Alexandre J The Majestic Jardin EDP 100 ml

Alexandre J The Majestic Jardin EDP 100 ml

Rp 2.700.000
Habis terjual
Majestic Jardin is a spicy oriental fragrance that takes you on a journey through the almond blending with the richness of cherry, black paper, and warm wrap of vanilla.
BPOM Reg. No NC14210600383
Produk ini tidak mendukung untuk grafir personalisasi.
Top Notes: Almond, Bitter

Middle Notes: Cherry flower, Cherry, Black pepper

Base Notes: Vanilla, Virginia cedar, Patchouli, Narghile
100 ML
How To Use
Spray on the body or clothing. Avoid contact with eyes or irritated skin. If occurs, wash with water to clean. Keep away from fire or flame source.
ALEXANDRE. J is a French artist who is deeply attached to his country, ALEXANDRE. J also delves into other cultures to find creative avenues that his imagination then turns into new worlds. This dandy likes to share his stories through his words, his notes or his colors. With a thirst for knowledge, he constantly wants to learn. Each new experience is an opportunity for in-depth research, as this perfectionist seeks to understand the techniques used by the artisans so his ideas can take shape.

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