Avocado Oil
Moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and revitalizing; avocado oil keeps your skin feeling soft and loved, the perfect respite after a long day at work.
Almond Oil
Its natural skin-conditioning qualities are soothing to the skin while giving you that extra boost to fight against flaky skin.
80 G
How To Use
Ambil sejumlah kecil menggunakan spatula. Menggunakan ujung jari, pijat lembut ke kulit kering dengan gerakan melingkar untuk mengubah balm menjadi minyak untuk menyingkirkan kotoran. Kemudian, tambahkan sedikit air untuk mengemulsi minyak menjadi susu yang kaya dan rasakan sensasi melelahkan dihilangkan seiring pembersihan. Bilas hingga bersih dengan air hangat.
For years, we were told that flawless and perfectly poreless skin should be the ultimate goal of skin care. However, here at Gentle Hour, we believe that healthy skin looks a little different from one person to another. It might look clear or sometimes slightly oily with the occasional spots, or anything in between, but healthy skin is our skin at its most stabilized state. This is the point where our skin is at its best to deal with external aggressors or breakouts without leaving any lasting damage. Gentle Hour products are created to help keep us and our skin healthy and happy, so we are free to explore the world or even dig deep within yourself to find what truly matters because life should be about more than just worrying about how your skin looks.