Leaders Calming Face Cooler (Gift)

Leaders Calming Face Cooler

Rp 200.000
Give your skin a sensational cooling effect on face and body. Face cooler used together with an ampoule.
Benefits :
• Soothes skin
• Reduce swelling
• Shrink pores
• Increase skin elasticity
How To Use

Use with Calming Biotics Ampoule :
• Pull out the rubber handle on the top
of the cooler
• Place the ampoule on top and turn
clockwise to secure the ampoule to the
• Gently press the top of the ampoule
until it comes our from the cooling
plate, and massage onto face/body.
• Store it in the refrigerator for more
than an hour before use.
• Wipe inside of cooler and cooling
plate with wet tissue for clean use.

Leaders Cosmetics is a professional cosmeceutical company with over 10 years of experience in the global skin care industry. Leaders is the #1 seller of sheet masks in the world, founded by skilled dermatologists from Seoul National University in South Korea. Their aim is to help women and men restore their self-confidence through beautiful, glowing and healthy skin.
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