Memo Paris Oriental Leather EDP 75 ml

Memo Paris Oriental Leather EDP 75 ml

Rp 5.100.000
Under a patchouli star
BPOM Reg. No NC14210600377

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At nightfall, the Wahiba Sands of Oman cast a unique glow onto the sky above. The heavenly canopy lights up the path to Wadi Shab, a lush paradise, bursting forth like patchouli. Oriental Leather bears its secrets and whispers them to Orion, whose constellation hangs in the night like a charm on a belt. Amber and leather notes reveal themselves in full daylight, when the world stirs back into motion in the Mutrah souq, amidst wafting scents of lavender, cinnamon and benzoin.

Essence of Lavender

Essence of Cinnamon

Essence of Patchouli from Indonesia


Geranium Oil, Olbanum Resin, Coriander Oil
100 ML
How To Use
Spray on the body or clothing. Avoid contact with eyes or irritated skin. If occurs, wash with water to clean. Keep away from fire or flame source.

15 years of perfumes and passion. Memo Paris is 15 years old.

15 years, the time of irreverent, unpredictable and bubbling love. Flamboyant like a chypre perfume. Enchanting like a fresh water. Bold like a leather note. A perfume is a love story. Between the ingredients that come together, between the fragrance and the skin. Memo Paris is a story of encounters, the adventure of two people, then that of a t eam. A play in which geography plays the leading role. A play in which geography plays the leading role. Perfume is picked from the four corners of the world. But not only that. Memo Paris is also a story of travel, of train departures, of movements, of wa kes. From wandering seeds to nomadic leathers, Memo Paris harvests the bohemian flowers of its dreams.

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