C&F - Police To Be Bad Guy EDT

Police To Be Bad Guy EDT 125 ml

Rp 780.000 -40%
Rp 468.000
Sebuah parfum Fougere oriental untuk pria.
BPOM Reg. No NC24200600053
Produk ini tidak mendukung untuk grafir personalisasi.
Ikon tengkorak dari parfum Police memakai baju baru: TO BE BAD GUY & SWEET GIRL. Mengambil inspirasi dari Fashion Shows, tengkorak baru terlihat BOLD, RECOGNIZIBLE, DAN TRENDY. Mereka berpakaian seperti apa yang mereka suka rasakan, mencerminkan kepekaan fashion mereka.
Middle Notes : Jasmine, Iris, Tonka Beans
125 ML
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Police is an Italian fashion house that was founded in 1983. Initially, the brand sold sunglasses for women and men before other product lines were launched. Today Police sell all sorts of eyewear, jewelry and watches, accessories such as belts and, of course, perfumes.

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  1. Achiang
    Eye Color :
    Hair Color :
    Skin Tone :
    Skin Type :
    wangi nya bikin candu
    pas beli dapat hrg promo buy 1 get 1 yg free nya bisa buat istri
  2. Cici
    Eye Color : Black
    Hair Color : Black
    Skin Tone : Fair
    Skin Type : Normal
    Hadiah untuk suami
    Baru pertama beli online,biasanya selalu di offline store,cuma promonya banyak di online store. Blind buy cuma lihat review di Fragantica,dapat skor 4 dari 5. Pas dateng tidak kecewa dengan baunya,suami jg suka.
    Thanks CnF
  3. Stephanir
    Eye Color : Black
    Hair Color : Dark Brown
    Skin Tone : Light
    Skin Type : Dry
    fresh bold spicy
    ketahanan juga okeee
  4. Ecclesia
    Eye Color : Brown
    Hair Color : Black
    Skin Tone : Medium
    Skin Type : Combination
    Fresh & Spicy
    Fresh, spicy, caramel, sweet
  5. giovani
    bold guy
    ini wanginya manis tapi masih ada freshnya bikin kesan cowok yg confident but gentle
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