Tous Man Sport EDT 100 ml

Rp 1.400.000 -30%
Rp 980.000
Edisi sporty dari Tous Man, cocok untuk pria spontan yang menikmati kebebasan hidup dan tinggal dalam keselarasan dengan alam.
BPOM Reg. No NC47190605296

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Setelah meluncurkan Tous Man pada tahun 2004 dan Tous in Heaven Him dari 2008, Rumah Tous kembali pada 2010 menghadirkan edisi sporty, Tous Man Sport, yang memancarkan kesegaran dan energi.
Top Notes: Lemon Zest, Aldehydesa and Cedar

Middle Notes: Ginger and Apple

Base Notes: Cashmere, Musk, Atlas Cedar and Oak Moss
100 ML
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Founded in 1920, TOUS is a family business which surprises its customers with original jewellery created in noble materials. Over the last few years TOUS has become a lifestyle brand with its jewellery, bags, fragrances, watches, glasses and accessories. The brand is present in over 40 countries with more than 400 points of sale in cities such as New York, Mexico DF, Moscow and Tokyo. TOUS fragrances are sold in more than 100 countries and are renowned for transmitting motions through unique design which captivates theh different TOUS customers.

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  1. Anggriyani
    .aroma enak
    Wanginya cocok buat cowo2 pendiam, cocok dipake malem.. parfum ter the best menurutku.. bawaan nya pengen nempel terus hehee
  2. Titin
    Eye Color : Black
    Hair Color : Black
    Skin Tone : Medium
    Skin Type : Combination
    Aroma nya menyegarkan
    Saking cinta nya sama tous.. Ku racuni suamiku dgn produk tous..
    Eye Color : Brown
    Hair Color : Dark Brown
    Skin Tone : Light
    Skin Type : Normal
    Top Notes: Lemon Zest, Aldehydesa and CedarMiddle Notes: Ginger and AppleBase Notes: Cashmere, Musk, Atlas Cedar and Oak Moss

    Sesuai dengan namanya. Sport
    Cocok untuk kamu yang berjiwa muda yang suka akan fresh aromatic dari alam. Ini cocok bgt. Karena dalam kondisi apapun parfume ini memberikan kesegaran yang sport banget dengan balutan lemon and cashmere, ginger bikin aromanya kuat dan tahan lama.
  4. Ronny
    Eye Color : Black
    Hair Color : Black
    Skin Tone : Light
    Skin Type : Normal
    Man masculine
    Aromanya cowok banget masculine citrusy dan menggoda. Lembut tapi khas aroma parfum pria. So classy and sporty
  5. M
    Eye Color : Brown
    Hair Color : Dark Brown
    Skin Tone : Medium
    Skin Type : Normal
    The favorite one
    The smell is so fresh, i didn't know if the smell can stay that long than what i expected. This actually my daily fragrance, it can be when working at the office, hang out, or go out at night. Totally recommended !
1-5 of 9 Items
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