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Yves Rocher Pur Arnica Nourishing Hand Cream 75 ml
Rp 149.000
Rp 96.850
Habis terjual
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Krim tangan simbol dari La Gacilly membawa Anda ke tengah ladang kami di Brittany, Perancis.
BPOM Reg. No NC14190105316
Diperkaya dengan Arnica dari La Gacilly, formula merawat tangan Anda dan membuat kulit terasa nyaman dari kulit yang terasa ketarik. Secara sempurna dilindungi, tangan Anda terasa nyaman dan lembut
Tekstur:. krim bertekstur lembut, kaya nutrisi
komitmen kami:
- 92% kandungan bahan alami
- Formula diuji di bawah pengawasan dermatologis
- Arnica ditumbuhkan secara organik di La Gacilly
- Dibuat di Perancis
- Bebas Silikon
- Bebas minyak mineral
- Vegan *
* Produk diformulasikan tanpa turunan hewan
75 ML
How To Use
Dapat digunakan sepanjang hari untuk jenis tangan kering hingga sangat kering.
Yves Rocher is a worldwide cosmetics and beauty brand, founded in 1959 by the French entrepreneur Yves Rocher in La Gacilly. Yves Rocher invented a new form of beauty, with the highest respect for women and nature. It is the only global cosmetic brand to control the entire life cycle of its products: from the plant to the skin of its 30 million clients. This specificity allows Yves Rocher brand to lower enviromental impact and offer every woman quality products at an accessible price. Find out more about La Gacilly, Our Story with Plants, and Our Value & Commitment.
Semua Ulasan
18/11/20Eye Color : BlackHair Color : BlackSkin Tone : LightSkin Type : CombinationHand creamAku suka koleksi hand cream karna emang cepet banget abis nya . Aku sering bange pake karna tangan aku kasar.