C&F - Tous Man Chill EDT 100 ml

Tous Man Chill EDT 100 ml

Rp 1.400.000 -70%
Rp 420.000
Wewangian Aromatik Fruity untuk pria
BPOM Reg. No NC47220600086

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dimulai dengan sentuhan jeruk nipis yang eksotis, diikuti dengan aroma tropis kapulaga bersama dengan lada hitam pedas. Dilanjutkan dengan aroma lavender dan rosemary yang ditaburi pala. Ini diakhiri dengan nada khas nilam, akar wangi, kayu kering dan amber

Top Notes: Lime, Black Pepper and Cardamom

Middle Notes: Lavender, Rosemary and Nutmeg

Base Notes: Patchouli, Vetiver, Dry Wood and Amber.

100 ML
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Founded in 1920, TOUS is a family business which surprises its customers with original jewellery created in noble materials. Over the last few years TOUS has become a lifestyle brand with its jewellery, bags, fragrances, watches, glasses and accessories. The brand is present in over 40 countries with more than 400 points of sale in cities such as New York, Mexico DF, Moscow and Tokyo. TOUS fragrances are sold in more than 100 countries and are renowned for transmitting motions through unique design which captivates theh different TOUS customers.

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